Saturday, December 19, 2009



Transcultural nursing with established clinical approached to clients with varying cultures are relatively new. According to Madeleine Leininger (1987) founder of the filed of transcultural nursing in the mid 1960s. The education of nursing students in this field is only now beginning to yield significant results.

Today nurses with a deeper appreciation of human life and values are developing cultural sensitivity for appropriate individualized clinical approaches.

Religious and Cultural knowledge is an important ingredient in health care. If the client do not respond as nurse expects the nurse may interpret it as unconcern or resistance the nurse then can be anxious and frustrated in order to incorporate cultural knowledge in care cultural knowledge in care.

It is important to understand some definition and cultural components that are important in health care.

For a nurse to successfully provide care for a client of a different cultural or ethnic to background, effective intercultural communication must take place. Intercultural communication occurs when each person attempts to understand the other’s point of view from his or her own cultural frame of reference. Effective intercultural communication is facilitated by the nurse identification of areas of commonalities. After reaching a cultural. understanding, the nurse must consider cultural factor throughout the nursing process.

Major Nursing organizations have emphasized in the last decade the importance of considering culture factors when delivering nursing care.

According to the American Nurses’ s Association (1976)”Consideration of individual value systems and lifestyles should be included in the planning and health care for each client Nursing curriculum recognize the contribution nursing to the health care needs of a diverse and multi cultural society life-style may ret1ect cultural heritage.
Culture-Broadly defines set of values, beliefs and traditions, that are held by a specific group of people and handed down from generation to generation. Culture is also beliefs, habits, likes, dislikes, customs and rituals learn from one’s family. (Specter 1991)
Culture is the learned, shared and transmitted values, beliefs, norms and life way practices of a particular group that guide thinking, decisions, and actions in patterned ways.
Religion:Is a set of belief in a divine or super human power (or powers) to be obeyed and worshipped as the creator and ruler of the universe? Ethical values and religion system of beliefs and practices, difference within the culture and across culture are founEthnic: refers to a group of people who share a common and distinctive culture and who are members of a specific group.
Ethnicity :a consciousness of belonging to a group.
Cultural Identify: the sense of being part of an ethnic group or culture
Culture-universals: commonalities of values, norms of behavior, and life patterns that are similar among different cultures.
Culture-specifies ; values, beliefs, and patterns of behavior that tend to be unique to a designate culture.
Material culture; refers to objects (dress, art, religious arti1acts)
Non-material culture; refers to beliefs customs, languages, social institutions. Subculture: -composed of people who have a distinct identity but are related to a larger cultural group.
Bicultural : a person who crosses two cultures, lifestyles, and sets of values.
Diversity: refers to the fact or state of being different. Diversity can occur between cultures and within a cultural group.
Acculturation; individuals who have taken on, usually observable, features of another culture. People of a minority group tend to assume the attitudes, values, beliefs, find practices of the dominant society resulting in a blended cultural pattern.
Cultural shock:-the state of being disoriented or unable to respond to a different cultural environment because of its sudden strangeness, unfamiliarity, and incompatibility to the stranger's perceptions and expectations at is differentiated from others by symbolic markers (cultures, biology, territory, religion).
Ethnic groups; share a common social and cultural heritage that is passed on to successive generations.,
Ethnic identity;- refers to a subjective perspective of the person's heritage and to a sense of belonging to a group that is distinguishable from other groups.
Race: the classification of people according to shared biologic characteristics, genetic markers, or features. Not all people of the same race have the same culture.

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